Bharat Dynamics Limited, a high-technology fast growing Mini Ratna PSU under the Ministry of Defence having three production units at Kanchanbagh-Hyderabad, Bhanur- Medak District and Visakhapatnam of Andhra Pradesh invites applications from eligible Indian Nationals for the posts of Stenographer, Painter & Welder for our Kanchanbagh Unit. Bharat Dynamics Limited invites applications from eligible Indian Nationals for the following posts :
1. Stenographer – 9 posts
2. Junior Technician (Painter) – 2 posts
3. Junior Technician (Welder) – 5 posts
Qualification :
Stenographers :
A) A Degree in Arts/Science/Commerce of any University as a regular course and;
B) Shorthand from State Board of Technical Education at 80 w.p.m. and;
C) Typewriting in English from State Board of Technical Education at 40 w.p.m.
This post requires good communication skills.
Note: Candidates possessing qualifications like DCCP or DCP or any other vocational
course or equivalent courses are advised not to apply against this advertisement.
Painters: ITI (Painter) with National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC).
Welders: ITI (Welder) with National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC).
Last date of receipt of application : 31.07.2012
Visit for Online application and advertisement : Read more